Ekklesia ®
Online shop for priests with Orthodox cassocks, priest's vestments, stole, fabrics and trims.
Store Policies
Slavic-style priest vestment - Orthodox vestment for Easter - Phelon on brocade
Sticharion for subdeacon in white-gold brocade - Altar boy robe - Single orar
Dearcon's vestment for Easter - Ordination vestment - Orthodox set for deacon
Calvary - Embroidered vestment set - Priest vestment in Greek style
Classic orthodox vestment set - Liturgical church clothes for priest - Greek set
Protodeacon's vestment in metallic brocade - Stichar, double orar, cuffs pair
White brocade sticharion - Orthodox stikhar - Altar Server Reader robe
Greek-style vestment with unique cross icon on phelon - Priest vestment set
Metallic brocade epitrachil and cuffs - Priest communion set - Stole, pair cuffs
Slavic style vestment with icon on brocade - Cloth for orthodox priest
Vestment in granular silk for Lent - Liturgical vestment set for priest - Phelon
Embroidered orar on velvet - Double orar for deacon - Greek style orar