Ekklesia ®
Online shop for priests with Orthodox cassocks, priest's vestments, stole, fabrics and trims.
Store Policies
Stichar for Lent - Altar Server Reader Robe brocade - Liturgical sticharion
White-gold brocade sticharion - Orthodox stikhar - Altar Server Reader robe
Sticharion for subdeacon in white-gold brocade - Altar boy robe - Single orar
White brocade sticharion - Orthodox stikhar - Altar Server Reader robe
Lent sticharion child model (up to 150 cm height) - Orthodox Altar Server robe
Sticharion child model (up to 150 cm height) - Orthodox Altar Serverer robe
Black Orthodox sticharion for Lent - Church stikhar - Altar Server Reader Robe
Orhtodox stikharion - Altar boy reader robe - Stichar in brocade for church use
Sticharion for orthodox subdeacon - Liturgical brocade stichar - Altar boy robe
Altar Server Reader Robe in gabardine - Stikharion - Embroidered cross on top
Subdeacon's sticharion - Orthodox stichar and orar - Altar server reader robe
Altar boy stikhar - Orthodox reader church stichar - Altar Server robe
Stichar and orar for subdeacon - Liturgical gold vestmet sticharion - Atrar boy
Orthodox sticharion for subdeacon - Liturgical green stichar - Altar boy robe
Sticharion for subdeacon - Orthodox stichar and orar - Altar server robe
Blue child's sticharion (up to 150 cm height) - Orthodox church Altar Server
Sticharion for subdeacon - Orthodox stichar - Brocade church sticharion
Orthodox sticharion for subdeacon - Liturgical stichar - Altar boy robe - Single
Сhild's sticharion (up to 150 cm height) - Orthodox church Altar Server robe
New sticharion for subdeacon - Orthodox stichar - Altar boy robe - Single orar