Ekklesia ®
Online shop for priests with Orthodox cassocks, priest's vestments, stole, fabrics and trims.
Store Policies
Reversible embroidered communion set - Double stole and cuffs - Two sides stole
Metallic brocade epitrachil and cuffs - Priest communion set - Stole, pair cuffs
Gold stole and cuffs - Priest's communion set in brocade - Orthodox epitrachil
Embroidered Coptic style epitrachilus in velvet - Coptic Stole - Coptic epitrach
Embroidered priest stole and cuffs - Epitrachil, cuffs - Communion priest set
Embroidered priest stole and cuffs - Epitrachil and cuffs - Communion set
White brocade epitrachil and cuffs - Communion set for priet - Stole and cuffs
Reversible stole and cuffs in satin - Communion set double-sided two-colors set
Brocade epitrachil and cuffs - Communion set for priet - Stole and cuffs
Black stole and cuffs - Priest's communion set in brocade - Orthodox liturgical
Original communion set in gabardine fabric - Priest stole and cuffs
Priest's stole and cuffs - Communion set in brocade - Orthodox priest set
Priest's stole and cuffs - communion set in brocade - Orthodox liturgical set
Stole and cuffs - Priest's communion set in brocade - Orthodox liturgical stole
Two sides embroidered communion set - Double stole and cuffs - Priest's set
Epitrachil and cuffs - Communion set for priest - Stole and cuffs
Brocade epitrachil and cuffs - Communion set for priet - Stole and cuffs priest
Metallic brocade epitrachil and cuffs - Communion set for priest - Stole, cuffs
Epitrachil and cuffs - Communion set for priet - Stole and cuffs priest set
Metallic brocade cuffs - Priest Cuffs - Priest's cuff with angels